Nov 2, 2023
STEAM at home, S for SKY
What is the ISS?The ISS is the International Space Station.ISS is an orbiting platform on which experiments in physics, chemistry,...
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Nov 2, 2023
The Design Thinking approach
Il Design Thinking una metodologia di pensiero, un approccio allo stesso tempo analitico e creativo per la risoluzione di una data problemat

Nov 2, 2023
Paper City
At the end of 2017 I had the pleasure of meeting Fabio Prestini, illustrator, graphic designer and founder of Fabio & Giulia and Giulia...
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Nov 2, 2023
Computational thinking
Computational thinking is a fundamental skill for everyone. Next to Reading, writing and numeracy we should also add computational...

Nov 2, 2023
From Rome to Copenhagen for the maker festivals
Dopo due anni alla Maker Faire di Roma la Tata ha deciso di volare a Copenaghen per il Maker Festival: ma chi sono i maker? In questo post a

Nov 2, 2023
That STEAM touch that changed research
Da un incontro casuale sul treno è nata la collaborazione tra la Tata e le ricercatrici dell'Università della Macedonia per una ricerca

Nov 2, 2023
STEAM at home, E for Engineering (Engineering)
Hello Tata friends, how are you? These are special days and even Robotic Nanny like you has to stay at home... so why not try spending...

Nov 2, 2023
Coding unplugged and Ruby: interview with Cristina, STEAM teacher
Si impara a programmare solo con il pc? Le attività di coding unplugged offrono spunti e attività di programmazione logica senza l'ausil
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Nov 2, 2023
STEAM at home, T for Technology
Hello Friends!You have seen, in these times more than ever, how technology is the fruit of human study and research. It is a tool that...

Nov 2, 2023
FabLab Junior: a home for budding makers
A Fiorano Modenese è nato il Fab Lab Junior, uno spazio dedicato alla tecnologia creativa per bambini e ragazzi tra stampanti 3D, Lego e cir

Nov 2, 2023
STEAM at home, Planets
I'm still me... even if I go to Mars.. but what happens to my weight? Our mass is constant they say.. it remains the same.. but the...

Nov 2, 2023
STEAM at home, A for Animals
«Even our most elaborate technological prostheses, such as those designed for flight, seem only pale imitations of pre-existing...
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Nov 2, 2023
Discovering Artificial Intelligence with Minecraft
Free! Minecraft Education is a version of Minecraft in which everything is programmable with the block programming language very similar...

Nov 2, 2023
Tello and Scratch
Hello everyone,I found some instructions that can help you use the Tello drone with Scratch 2.0. You can download them here, I prepared...

Nov 2, 2023
DRONE-based-learning: learning to design with Drones
A PCTO/School-work alternation project with the Fanti High School flies to Copenhagen. Today the international FABLEARN conference took...