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La Tata Robotica®

La Tata Robotica® works on training, design, and consultancy in STEAM education and digital learning. Since 2015 our goal has been to engage everyone in technology, promoting its aware and creative use. Today we are a network of collaborators with experience in Art, Design, STEM, and Education. We design and organize educational robotics, creative coding, artificial intelligence, design thinking, and digital storytelling workshops and learning programmes. Mainly in Emilia-Romagna but also throughout Italy and Europe, and online. We train educators and teachers. We engage students from kindergarten to university.

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Enrica Amplo, PhD


Researcher in STEM Education, creative learning and Artificial Intelligence education. Graduated in Mechatronics Engineering and specializes in Design for the child and the toy, he founded La Tata Robotica® to spread what he believes in: the need for a technological culture and the diffusion of positive examples of using technology as a tool for living better together. In 2019 she was invited by European Commission to participate as a STEAM education expert in a workshop on education and Maker spaces. In the same year he co-created the Fablab Junior in Fiorano Modenese. Over time it has collaborated with numerous entities including schools of all levels, universities such as Trinity College of Dublin, STEM companies including Hape Toys (Italy), BareConductive (London), LittleBits (USA), Microsoft Irelan, Science Gallery Museum, Dublin. Today she continues to work on research, training design and development, consultancy and dissemination activities to share her passion for Technology, Education and Creativity, breaking gender stereotypes and beyond.

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