Research and Design (EU and B2B)
We collaborate with schools, universities, and businesses in research and EU projects. Thanks to our experience in both educational and research fields we provide support in scientific planning and design, data collection and analysis, and training.
We are always interested in participating as an Italian partner for new proposals and we offer consultants for ongoing projects requiring extra support. Do not hesitate to contact us for further details.
Topics: digital democracy, digital citizenship, AI and data literacy and awareness, creative digital learning, design thinking and co-design
What we do:
- Proposal design
- Learning programmes
- Educational activities
- Content writing (MOOC, e-learning, webinars...)
- Project planning
- Data collection
- Tools (surveys, interactive presentations...)
- Data analysis (qualitative and quantitative)
- Report writing
- Infographic design
- Presentation and deliverables
- Educational material Design
- Participation in meetings with partners




Publications list available also on:
AI literacy for teachers
Amplo, E. and Butler, D. (2023) “A learning programme framed by TPCK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) and based on Constructionism and Design to enhance Teacher learning and development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) key ideas and competencies.”
In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1914-1923). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Amplo, E. (2023), “Artificial Intelligence Education and Public Engagement through Teacher Learning and Co-Creation.” AIET Artificial Intelligence in Education Technology
Digital literacy in K-12
Amplo E., & Butler D. (2023) “Design-Based Learning and Constructionist Learning Principles to Promote Artificial Intelligence Literacy and Awareness in K-12, a Pilot Study”
The IAFOR International Conference on Education – Hawaii 2023 Official Conference Proceedings.
Amplo E. 2022, "Drone-based learning: A project-based learning (PBL) program for secondary school students to explore making and coding." Fablearn Copenhagen, ACM
Amplo E., Prestini F., Poli G. 2022, "Paper City, a Creative Framework based on Design Thinking to encourage aware citizenship through Design and STEAM Education" in A connected world, Palermo University Press
Technology for good
"Effects of Auditory Sound Cueing in Proximal and Distal Object Naming Using a Multi-Touch Interactive Word Wall in Rehabilitation: A Preliminary Study" F. DERGIANLI, E. MOUZA, H. PROIOS, Enchephalos, 2018
"The role of a creative leader is not to have all the ideas; it's to create a culture where everyone can have ideas and feel that they're valued."
- Ken Robinson