What does La Tata offer?
Tailored Teacher-Educator training
We support and encourage teachers to collaborate
and co-design. We promote creative and critical digital learning and the use of technology integrated with curricular subjects.
Hands-on teacher training
experimenting with the tools and designing
ready-to-use activities for your classroom.
Let's learn together in an interactive way
using technology as a creative tool to enhance the other subjects both STEM and non.
You define: school, teachers, educators, number of hours and topic you would like to explore further!
Based on time and budget we will create the best possible route together.
Don't hesitate to ask us for any information.
Scrittura, progettazione e co-progettazione di percorsi STEM e STEAM, robotica educativa, digital story telling, digitale creativo, cittadinanza digitale
per bimb* e ragazz*, docenti, educator*, genitori.
Progettazione e creazione di risorse e materiali per attività STEAM per tutt* (workshop interattivi, giochi da tavolo, megazine, pubblicazioni).