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STEAM è ricerca, narrazione, scoperta, gioco. In questo quaderno troverai tante attività che ti avvicineranno al mondo della STEAM education come non hai mai fatto prima. Non mancheranno template da ritagliare con cui giocare AL CENTRO ESTIVO o anche IN CLASSE...Divertiti sotto l'ombrello con questo quaderno pensato e realizzato da Enrica Amplo (La Tata Robotica) proprio per te.
Guida STEAM per educators e genitori in arrivo!
Iscriviti alla Newsletter per essere tra le prime persone a sapere tutto sull'uscita del libro. Segui La Tata su Instagram!
Iscriviti alla Newsletter per essere tra le prime persone a sapere tutto sull'uscita del libro. Segui La Tata su Instagram!
E-BOOK - STEAM childhood and primary school
Collection of activities designed together with the teachers during the STEAM education course. Thanks to the support of IC di Ravarino and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena.
E-BOOK - AI at school
Contains useful links to activities available online to introduce Artificial Intelligence at school
BOOK - Marinella and her aunt in ZIG ZAG
Marinella Passolento has a truly special aunt with whom she can spend happy hours building mysterious contraptions and imagining her future.
Rhyming nursery rhyme born from Luca's pen and from the idea of Nanny Robotica and Matte when he was 4 years old.
Rhyming nursery rhyme born from Luca's pen and from the idea of Nanny Robotica and Matte when he was 4 years old.
E-BOOK [English] - Artificial Intelligence and Data Literacy
Activities on Artificial Intelligence (age 10+ and lower secondary school) integrated with other subjects. Made during the doctoral research project with Dublin City University.
E-BOOK [English] - AI LABS between art and design
Creative and interactive path to discover Artificial Intelligence through art and design. Made for the Science Gallery Dublin museum.
E-BOOK [On commission] - Librarians@ for a day 2.0
A series of activities to discover the world of books and libraries. Interactive with step-by-step instructions for making them and offering them to visiting schools. Created for the Unione Terre D'Argine library.
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