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Primary schools

Tata has collaborated with K-5 primary schools by bringing creative robotics, tinkering/making and design workshops. Each path has been personalized following the teachers' requests. Each route is adaptable according to the time and resources available. We also design laboratory courses that integrate robotics and coding with other subjects.

Examples of completed projects and proposed activities:
- Coding unplugged

- Vitamins and conductive ink

- Coding and sewing

- Lego and design for inclusion

- Coding and water cycle
- Geometry from 2D to 3D with the computer

- Programmable robots (Ozobot, Beebot Cubetto, Lego)

-Paper City with the designers who created this project

- Game design and sustainability

- App design

- Creation of our first paper computer

[Also withthe last year in nursery schools: unplugged circuits and coding without the devices]



Lower secondary schools

Tata has collaborated with K-12 secondary schools by bringing creative robotics, tinkering/making and design workshops. Each path has been personalized following the teachers' requests. Each route is adaptable according to the time and resources available. We also design laboratory courses that integrate robotics and coding with other subjects.

Examples of proposed activities and implemented projects:
- Creative coding

- Introduction to basic IT (use of office programs)

- Webdesign and portfolio creation
- Webdesign and Fake News (Civic Education: online information and digital publishing)

- Art and conductive ink (interactive project on the painter Mondrian)

- Basic Arduino

- Micro:bit: Smart Ortho, Digital Dice, PixelArt, Storytelling
- 3D Printing and 3D Modeling with Global Goals

- Creative robotics


Secondary schools

Tata has collaborated with both high schools and technical-professional schools. The courses were designed according to the needs of the individual institutes. The laboratories do not require prior knowledge therefore they are suitable or adaptable even for classes that do not have IT or technology in their studies. Indeed, for these classes the workshops represent a fantastic opportunity to approach technology and digital in a conscious, active and creative way.

Examples of completed routes:

- Design thinking and play

- Drones and design

- Making and peer education
- Arduino and C++ language

- Micro:bit

- Web design

- Digital portfolio

- Storytelling and Video Making

- Animation (stop motion)



Tata Robotica with Enrica Amplo and other experts organizes training courses for adults / educators and university students on the topics of:

- Design thinking

- Inclusive Design
- Digital civic education

- Arduino and Making

- App design

- Hackathon

- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (popular)

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